Arslan Raza: I volunteered at SKMCH Lahore for two weeks

“I was leaving something behind for her that would outlive the two weeks that I was there.”

Arslan Raza is a member of the Shaukat Khanum Tiger’s Club –a youth club in Pakistan, which organises awareness-raising activities and allows students to volunteer at Shaukat Khanum Hospital (SKMCH). Arslan spent two weeks on the volunteer program at SKMCH Lahore. At the paediatric ward, where he helped out, he learnt a great deal from the patients he made friends with.

“The special moments that touched my heart during my volunteer work at Shaukat Khanum Hospital (SKMCH) was during the time I spent helping a paediatric patient learn how to write her name. I also helped her recognize some of the colors. These moments were special for me because by teaching her things, I was leaving something behind for her that would outlive the two weeks that I was there.”

Inspiring the younger generation to take time out of their lives and spend it with cancer patients has been one of the hallmarks of Shaukat Khanum Hospital’s (SKMCH) legacy. The campaign to raise funds for the hospital was spearheaded by our youth in Pakistan in the 1990’s. This still stands true today. We are proud of our young volunteers and fundraisers who are the pioneering soldiers and champions of our fight against cancer.

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